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Summer Bus Tour-Washington West Company

Updated: Jul 29

After studying local and pioneer histories of four Utah southwest counties during the past year in monthly Camp meetings, the Washington West Daughters and guests explored Kane County via bus tour on Wednesday, July 10.  Forty-eight riders participated in this fun activity.

Stops included the following:

  • Pipe Spring National Monument, where participants enjoyed the museum, watched the informational movie, and toured Winsor Castle and surrounding grounds.

  • City of Kanab, where the Kanab Heritage House and grounds and the Levi Stewart monument were visited.

  • Orderville, where the stop included visiting the DUP Museum and the ZCMI store, which includes artifacts from the United Order era.

Everyone seemed to enjoy the Washington West Company Summer Bus Tour and are already asking when the next tour will be scheduled.

Please enjoy the photos of the tour taken by Company Historian, Gloria Toomey.

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